Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Tech Week #2 - Tuesday

Last night's full run went surprising well. Sure, there were bumps (see individual notes below) but overall, everyone hit their marks, remembered their blocking and sounded fantastic! Ashton may address some choral issues tonight, but I'll say it again I'M SO INCREDIBLY PROUD OF THIS CAST!

Tonight we run with mics and monitors. A few characters will have mic passes. Right now, plan is for

  • Young Elsa --> Olaf
  • Young Anna ---> Kristoff
  • Queen ---> Castle Staff
  • King ---> Castle Staff
  • Middle Anna ---> Weselton
  • Middle Elsa ----> Sven
If you are an older character receiving the mic pass, it will be your responsibility to meet the younger character after their last scene to make the pass. Secure a green room volunteer or cast member not called on stage to assist you with placement. There are enough older ensemble members with mic pack experience that helping with this area should not be an issue, so we are counting on you!

Was the prop table set up last night? Please go over the location of your props and make sure you have seen them before we run. Once the run has started, it's too late if a prop is missing. I know we're still missing a few pieces that haven't been brought in (ukulele, scepter and orb will be there tonight). We need Kristoff's bag of ice. I don't know who has that or where it is. After you use your prop, it returns to the prop table. Do not take anything to the green room.

Anytime a cast member is not on stage or going to be on stage within a scene, they should be in the green room. Only exceptions are the leads and any cast members being used to assist in scene changes. Green room volunteers - Please keep green room doors closed at all times. Someone needs to be in the hallway monitoring noise. No one is allowed to be in the basement hallway or stairwell during the run of the show - period. This is for safety. There should be an adult in the boy's green room and the girl's green room. Primary job is 1) keep it quiet 2) listen for cues. There should be at least one script in each green room for reference.

Listening for actor's cues should come as this:
  • Stage Manager ---> Crew ---> Hallway (basement) ----> Green Room Volunteer
  • YOUNG ANNA & ELSA - During opening, don't run into each other or jump into each other. Your mics may feedback. No standing on the bed - it's not secure and I don't want you to fall! We may need to spray some Aquanet on Abigail's wig to keep it from being so shiny on stage.
  • KING/QUEEN - Move more center during the "What have you been up to" lines. Will - always stand behind the girls.
  • PABBIE/BULDA - Change entrance for First Joik to US Right so you're not walking across platforms. Just looks weird. Donovan - don't cross arms before Fixer Upper...trying hands on knees to get more hunched over and match Biza's movement.
  • BISHOP - Missed cue...what happened?
  • KRISTOFF - Look for your bag of ice on prop table before your first entrance. It should be there. 
  • WESELTON - Can you show off your tango when you ask her to dance? Say your "seriously wrong" as an aside during exit.
  • ANNA/ELSA/HANS/TOWNS1-5/CASTLE/WESELTON -  We need to rework scene after "Love Is an Open Door" before we run today. Bella - Do you have a petticoat? That might help lift your skirt enough to keep the cape off the floor...Ella - do you still have your black one? Maybe she could use that one? I don't think a hoop would look right with Elsa's coronation dress. Towns, Castle & Wes - when the first strike happens I need all of you to rush in quickly to cause confusion and chaos.
  • IN SUMMER - Super cute! You'll have big beach balls tomorrow. Katie - We'll figure out the beach umbrella but one of the summer chorus needs to bring it on, not crew. Aubrey - you're too far to the right at one point in the song near the end. Elizabeth W - you'll have time to change..I'm sorry for jumping in Hygge last night. We just pushed through last night because of time.
  • HYGGE - Great job, great scene!!! Fun stuff.
  • FIXER UPPER - Yay!! Good job!
  • WES/HANS/TOWNS - Let's run Scene 10 a couple of times when we hit that place tonight.
  • FINALE/BOWS - We'll work on getting everyone in and on stage in position tonight, so don't worry about thinking you missed something!

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