Thursday, July 1, 2021


 It's showtime....almost! But it is time to sell those [online] tickets!

Now, let's make it a bit more interesting! Direct your friends & families to our online ticket portal here. They will need the promo code super to purchase their presale screen pass.

Here's the FUN part! Make sure they choose you as their artist they're supporting!

The cast member with the most ticket sale credits at the end of our run will receive a special prize from YToB! Presales end on Sunday, July 4th!

PS...Just in case you're asked some silliness about why folks need to pay for a virtual show, here are some reasons:
  • This is a production just like any live production even though they were a bit different!
  • Going virtual means a virtual stage and reaching thousands instead of hundreds, which costs money for our company in terms of marketing and online hosting fees.
  • Supporting musical theatre and YToB in any way is always appreciated and helps us continue our excellent programming throughout the year by way of workshops, camps and other family friendly productions!

Thursday, June 24, 2021

SHAN Filming!

It's time to film! 

  1. Have you read what to wear?
  2. Do you know your props?
  3. NO?!? Check here!
Promo filming will take place at Creekside Elementary. Please drop off at the side entrance (follow signs for parent drop-off/pick-up). Cast should be pre-dressed in costume if possible. I will be in touch with individual cast member families on which character they will be for filming the promo. :)

MONDAY 6/28 

5:00 PM - Lily

5:30 PM - Kiersten


11:00 AM - Audrey

11:30 AM - Ainsley

12:00 PM - Connor


5:00 PM  - All Cast (ZOOM)


11:00 AM Carter

11:15 AM Landen

11:30 AM Lyla


11:00 AM Kenleigh

11:30 AM Katherine

Friday, June 18, 2021

Super Happy Homework

What you need:

  • 2 devices (one that plays music, one that video records)
  • Earbuds or headphones
  • Script & SHAN soundtrack
  • Smile!
When is it due: Before Monday's rehearsal (7/21)

Assignment #1:
  1. Pick ONE of your scenes (any of your characters)
  2. Set up your recording devices or ask someone to record you
  3. Act out your scene like you would IF this were for a class project. Don't worry about costumes or props, just have fun with your scene! 
  4. Record it a couple of times if you want. Try to keep your script OUT OF YOUR HANDS as much as possible. I want to see what you can do with your body language in developing your character. Most of your characters will be speaking into a microphone as grab a hairbrush, tv remote or whatever and use that.
  5. Don't freak out. The more you get comfortable recording yourself and watching yourself sing and act, the better you will get!
Assignment #2:
  1. Pick one of your solos or the group song from the end.
  2. Set up one device with your earbuds/headphones so you can hear and singalong with the music.
  3. Set up another device to record yourself singing the song.
  4. The recorded video should only have YOUR VOICE and none of the soundtrack.
  5. Why? I'm listening for timing on our songs and checking that we're all in good shape with our pieces.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Tech Notes #4 - Wednesday

Everyone's a bit of a fixer-upper, 
that's what it's all about! Father! Sister! Brother! 

We need each other to raise us up 
and round us out...

You all have been amazing at doing just that this week...raising each other up! 

"People make bad choices when they're mad or scared or stressed..." Truer words were never spoken especially during tech week! All of these emotions happen to all of us! We're all tired, we're all passionate about what we're doing...but we're all working to make this the absolute best show. 

"Throw a little love their way and you'll bring out their best!" YES! Always. 100%. Never stop encouraging each other over the next three days! We're all Fixer Uppers!

  • Preshow ---> 1st lighting cue -----> Maypoles ------> Set cast
  • Crew cannot be on stage once house is open
  • Hallway lights off. Cover back hallway windows to block lights.
  • Crew cannot talk when house is open. Make sure walkies are on headset and cannot be heard in house.
  • Remind green room that mics should be on before entering for scenes.
  • Scene changes must happen in blackouts/fades. Too many happened in lights during Scenes 1-3 tonight. May need to run that tomorrow afternoon.
  • Fog/haze must begin much sooner. By the time it hit the stage, it was too late in nearly every scene.
  • Fog/haze only seemed to be coming from SR. At one point, it just looked like one side of the platform was on fire.
  • Platforms were consistently in dark. Must fix.
  • Can Eden have a script with lighting cues/scenes marked? Trouble hearing cues in walkie.
  • Fix dark spots - too many on stage.
  • Search party should have lanterns in hand before they enter the stage.
  • There should be a lighting change in "First Time in Forever (Reprise)" ice strike
  • Fog needs to come in earlier when Kristoff say "I call them" before "Fixer Upper"
  • Blizzard looked perfect the second run tonight! That's exactly how the fog needs to look nearly every time it's called for.
  • Please don't come out and mop after the blizzard - the whole audience saw that. Just let it go...
  • Cast - great job being patient at top of show! Good job. Wait for your call.
  • NEED MORE GUYS SING OUT during opening. Still too weak. 
  • THE STEP UP at the end of the opening at the key change. Let the SUN shine on.
  • Find your light! If you cannot feel light on your face, you are in the dark. Find light!
  • Anna - be careful with your skirt going down side steps before coronation - you flashed the audience!
  • Castle Staff - banners were a little off their marks.
  • Oaken Family - thanks for fixing your entrance but I couldn't see you because it's behind the cart. Boo. Let's work out something else at 5:45. Meet me in the auditorium.
  • Search party - You need lanterns for the "There's a castle in the distance" scene with Hans/Weselton
  • Kristoff - Move DS "Now this is ice" FIND YOUR LIGHT!
  • Hans/Wes - Late entrance. Not sure what happened...the whole Elsa/Hans/Wes/Krist/Sven/Anna returning to Arendelle scene was kind of a mess. Felt slow and awkward. Let's talk through it tomorrow.
  • Olaf - Enter with your nose in hand instead of popping it off.
  • Remember what we did in rework of Colder By the Minute. The new placements were perfect! That whole scene was exactly what I had pictured!
  • Townspeople - Hold hands in choir pose while you sing Colder By the Minute. Your body positions were awkward, so let's hold this pose altogether.
  • Elsa - During finale, can you get on Olaf's level when you sing "here we stand" and look at her/him (puppet) and hold his stick hands? I think that would be adorable. :)
LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tech Notes #3 - Wednesday

All in all, great run last night! The highest praise is the fact that my son, Adam, sat still once the show started and was engaged the entire time. Only time he got wiggly was intermission (yes, that 5 min) but otherwise, he didn't move. Y'ALL KNOW ADAM. So, there you go. Bless it.

Here are random notes I took in my book. Some I understand, some I don't. I hope they make sense.


  • Why do are there fans backstage and why can I see them from the audience?
  • Haze/Fog missing during Biza & Donovan's first entrance (through window)
  • Need toybox and stuffed Olaf
  • Strike bed sooner
  • Can we run fog before Tanner's group walks out to announce death of king/queen? Is that scene too short?
  • Strike banners
  • Castle problems in general
  • Late cue on Townspeople for Dangerous to Dream
  • Make sure crew knows when to use FX - constant problem throughout
  • Umbrella needs new mark
  • CALEB has to call intermission so everyone knows it's happening
  • Better communication between crew & green room
  • Katie needs to hit behind platform in a total blackout so she can assist Bella for quickchange
  • First Time in Forever Reprise - Need haze/fog when Ella/Bella have duet and there's another ice strike here
  • Hidden Folk need fog!!!
  • Missed entrance Hans/Weselton bringing in Elsa
  • Full on Blizzard conditions once Elsa (Bella) screams "What? No!!!"
  • Guys need to be louder in opening. It wasn't balanced
  • Evan will work In Summer and Hygge after warmups today
  • Abigail has to get off stage immediately after "What happened?"
  • Meghan - Can you walk her off while saying your lines? She needs more time to get dressed.
  • Make sure Amelia's dress is SR for her change
  • "Queen Anointed" off on choral entrance - 4th chime
  • Sam & Bella - From Evan "I am speechless because not only is it what I imagined but you've both put in your personality and made it even better."
  • Weselton - nice tango, bad airquotes. I don't think they did that back then.
  • Maddie D - work with umbrella before we do warm ups tonight
  • "In Summer" - From Evan "Elizabeth and Lily" don't do the third pose with leg up because it's not stable and it has to be perfectly still
  • Oaken's Family - need to work on your entrance Hoo - Hoo. Looked a little sloppy and not as funny as it could be.
  • Sam's face at the beginning of Hygge scene wins the show!
  • We'll practice bows again at warm-ups tonight or after run
  • Volunteers - One person needs to be stationed in the hallway throughout the run so they can hear what's happening. Green room MUST be quiet. Hallway volunteer is literally the monitor of bodies, volume and cues coming from the stage.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Tech Week #2 - Tuesday

Last night's full run went surprising well. Sure, there were bumps (see individual notes below) but overall, everyone hit their marks, remembered their blocking and sounded fantastic! Ashton may address some choral issues tonight, but I'll say it again I'M SO INCREDIBLY PROUD OF THIS CAST!

Tonight we run with mics and monitors. A few characters will have mic passes. Right now, plan is for

  • Young Elsa --> Olaf
  • Young Anna ---> Kristoff
  • Queen ---> Castle Staff
  • King ---> Castle Staff
  • Middle Anna ---> Weselton
  • Middle Elsa ----> Sven
If you are an older character receiving the mic pass, it will be your responsibility to meet the younger character after their last scene to make the pass. Secure a green room volunteer or cast member not called on stage to assist you with placement. There are enough older ensemble members with mic pack experience that helping with this area should not be an issue, so we are counting on you!

Was the prop table set up last night? Please go over the location of your props and make sure you have seen them before we run. Once the run has started, it's too late if a prop is missing. I know we're still missing a few pieces that haven't been brought in (ukulele, scepter and orb will be there tonight). We need Kristoff's bag of ice. I don't know who has that or where it is. After you use your prop, it returns to the prop table. Do not take anything to the green room.

Anytime a cast member is not on stage or going to be on stage within a scene, they should be in the green room. Only exceptions are the leads and any cast members being used to assist in scene changes. Green room volunteers - Please keep green room doors closed at all times. Someone needs to be in the hallway monitoring noise. No one is allowed to be in the basement hallway or stairwell during the run of the show - period. This is for safety. There should be an adult in the boy's green room and the girl's green room. Primary job is 1) keep it quiet 2) listen for cues. There should be at least one script in each green room for reference.

Listening for actor's cues should come as this:
  • Stage Manager ---> Crew ---> Hallway (basement) ----> Green Room Volunteer
  • YOUNG ANNA & ELSA - During opening, don't run into each other or jump into each other. Your mics may feedback. No standing on the bed - it's not secure and I don't want you to fall! We may need to spray some Aquanet on Abigail's wig to keep it from being so shiny on stage.
  • KING/QUEEN - Move more center during the "What have you been up to" lines. Will - always stand behind the girls.
  • PABBIE/BULDA - Change entrance for First Joik to US Right so you're not walking across platforms. Just looks weird. Donovan - don't cross arms before Fixer Upper...trying hands on knees to get more hunched over and match Biza's movement.
  • BISHOP - Missed cue...what happened?
  • KRISTOFF - Look for your bag of ice on prop table before your first entrance. It should be there. 
  • WESELTON - Can you show off your tango when you ask her to dance? Say your "seriously wrong" as an aside during exit.
  • ANNA/ELSA/HANS/TOWNS1-5/CASTLE/WESELTON -  We need to rework scene after "Love Is an Open Door" before we run today. Bella - Do you have a petticoat? That might help lift your skirt enough to keep the cape off the floor...Ella - do you still have your black one? Maybe she could use that one? I don't think a hoop would look right with Elsa's coronation dress. Towns, Castle & Wes - when the first strike happens I need all of you to rush in quickly to cause confusion and chaos.
  • IN SUMMER - Super cute! You'll have big beach balls tomorrow. Katie - We'll figure out the beach umbrella but one of the summer chorus needs to bring it on, not crew. Aubrey - you're too far to the right at one point in the song near the end. Elizabeth W - you'll have time to change..I'm sorry for jumping in Hygge last night. We just pushed through last night because of time.
  • HYGGE - Great job, great scene!!! Fun stuff.
  • FIXER UPPER - Yay!! Good job!
  • WES/HANS/TOWNS - Let's run Scene 10 a couple of times when we hit that place tonight.
  • FINALE/BOWS - We'll work on getting everyone in and on stage in position tonight, so don't worry about thinking you missed something!