Friday, June 18, 2021

Super Happy Homework

What you need:

  • 2 devices (one that plays music, one that video records)
  • Earbuds or headphones
  • Script & SHAN soundtrack
  • Smile!
When is it due: Before Monday's rehearsal (7/21)

Assignment #1:
  1. Pick ONE of your scenes (any of your characters)
  2. Set up your recording devices or ask someone to record you
  3. Act out your scene like you would IF this were for a class project. Don't worry about costumes or props, just have fun with your scene! 
  4. Record it a couple of times if you want. Try to keep your script OUT OF YOUR HANDS as much as possible. I want to see what you can do with your body language in developing your character. Most of your characters will be speaking into a microphone as grab a hairbrush, tv remote or whatever and use that.
  5. Don't freak out. The more you get comfortable recording yourself and watching yourself sing and act, the better you will get!
Assignment #2:
  1. Pick one of your solos or the group song from the end.
  2. Set up one device with your earbuds/headphones so you can hear and singalong with the music.
  3. Set up another device to record yourself singing the song.
  4. The recorded video should only have YOUR VOICE and none of the soundtrack.
  5. Why? I'm listening for timing on our songs and checking that we're all in good shape with our pieces.

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