- If you were one of the groups Bryan mentioned last night, try your best to be at the Chapel at 5 tonight to run vocals. That will make a world of difference with a little brush-up.
- More energy during the Opening - this is the audience's first introduction to YOU! Make it count!
- Keep energy throughout opening number...Jojo and Cat give a big SEUSS at the end!
- Hard to hear echoing parts on Havin a Hunch. Get as close as you can to the curtain to sing those "late, late, late" etc.
- Tighten up formation at end of People v Horton so the audience cannot see Abram at all. I could see him come out on stage last night. We need a wall of bodies to mask it.
- Study the curtain call order. I cannot call it out tonight. :)
- Walk down the center aisle and to the basement for meet & greet w/ audience. Make 2 lines on each side of the hallway.
- CREW - Clear all items off of the stage by 6:30. Do one final check before house opens.
- CAT/JOJO - Cat will enter AFTER overture during the blackout to get in position.
- TECH - Horton's mic was on the entire opening. Not necessary.
- OLIVIA H - Late for Horton Hears a Who entrance.
- WHOS - Need more volume. Move DS as much as possible to push vocals.
- CAT - Needs help with Grinch during Here on Who
- WHOS - Tighten formation for Here on Who - a few stragglers on SR. If you see a kid starting to veer away, pull them back in.
- COLE R - Check mic placement on jacket. Study your lines! Know them tonight.
- IT'S POSSIBLE - Can we have Donovan, Bella, Kenzie, Cole R and Amelia singing this with them with their mics on backstage?
- TECH - Haze during It's Possible
- MUSIC - Didn't hear alarm clock last night before "Rise and shine son"
- SCHMITZ - Late with Green Eggs & Ham exit music.
- WICKS - Snap while you're entering stage Monkey Around (think West Side Story...that's what we're going for here)
- VLAD - Needs help getting ready. Try that tonight before 6:30.
- WHOS - Must enter sooner! (During Cat helicopter scene, they need to load the platforms. That will help with the confusion and also mask Donovan getting ready as Vlad.)
- CAT - I caught a mumble in one song - maybe How Lucky?
- TECH - Blackout at end of How Lucky You Are so clover field can come out. Horton's cue will be lights up.
- BIRD GIRLS - Just sing melody on Horton Sits on the Egg.
- ACT 2 - THINGS get closer to tree as Hunters
- BIRD GIRLS, SOUR KANGAROO - Can you sit down for Auction scene to shift focus to Cat?
- CREW/THINGS - Strike nest during "Sold, sold, sold" bring back out after applause/curtain call of Circus performers. TONY - always be right there to guide the nest into the wings and back onstage. I'd rather see you that damage the set piece. ;)
- MAYZIE - Keep your legs crossed for Palm Beach scene.
- TECH - Need some kind of explosion effect with lights bouncing and haze at end of SCHMITZ/JOJO scene "Butter Battle"
- WHOS XMAS - Little Whos need to stay on steps and NOT on upper platforms for this scene with Grinch. Their lines are completely lost. MR/MRS MAYOR - let them get closer to you to say their lines since you have mics.
- CREW - There's a black curtain behind the white spandex that needs to be pulled shut
- SCHMITZ - Please say "Jojo....wait!!!!!" because this cues the explosion and CADETS look like gasp! Something terrible just happened.
- HUNCHES - I cannot hear echos at all. Please sing louder.
- TECH - Jungle needs light during court scene
- CREW - Tree must strike once Cole has gotten down before "Attention all Whos"
- WICKS/SOUR KANGAROO - Stand tight together, no gaps. Your purpose here is to hide the entrance of ELEPHANT BIRD.
- YERTLE - New entrance for ELEPHANT BIRD.
- CREW - Strike Judge's stand after Cat says, "Well...what do you think?" (Use THINGS)
- TONY - Help call curtain call order if needed.
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